Slurry pump failure caused by excessive lift

The lift of a slurry pump is a range, and each pump model has a maximum endurance range.

When users provide selection data, the pump lift is first calculated based on theory, which is often somewhat conservative. As a result, the lift of the newly selected pump is higher than the lift required by the actual device, resulting in the pump operating under off-standard conditions.

Due to partial operating conditions, some failures may occur.

  1. The motor has overpower or overcurrent, causing the motor to heat up.
  2. The pump has cavitation, vibration and noise, and the outlet pressure pointer is frequent.

Due to the occurrence of cavitation, the impeller will be damaged by cavitation and the operating flow rate will decrease.

How to deal with it?

  1. Analyze the pump operating data and re-determine the actual head required by the device.

The simplest way to adjust the pump lift is to cut the outer diameter of the impeller: if the cut impeller is not enough to meet the lift reduction requirements, the impeller can be replaced with a new design;

  1. Or you can reduce the motor speed to reduce the pump head.

If you want to know more about slurry pumps, please feel free to call us!